Part 52: Replica Blues (Part I)
Again a calender recap: 13 months in a year, 58 days a month except for the last two, which have 60, for a total of 765 days. We started the game on the 23rd of Rem-Decen, the first month in the year. When we returned to Baticul for the first time it was the 2nd of Gnome-Decan, the 4th month, meaning we'd been gone for 152 days. Now it's the 28th of Gnome-Redecan, the 9th month. So it's been 316 days since we were given the mission to save Akzeriuth, and 468 days since the game started. To us over a year has passed, but in game it's only been a little over half a year.

: No...

: Mieuuu... your mom and dad are calling you.
Seems Luke caught a case of the blues since he saved the world.
Lost Child

: ...I'm sorry.

: It's been a month since you came home. Princess Natalia is traveling the world on official business, and look at you! Start living a little more like a member of House Fabre.

: ...Is that all you wanted to talk about?

: No. I want to confirm something regarding the battle at the Absorption Gate. When Van fell into the core, did his sword stay stuck in the floor?

: Yes...

: Yes.

: Did something happen?

: We received word from Belkend that the Planet Storm has suddenly grown more active.

: We sent a team to investigate the Absorption Gate and Radiation Gate. They found signs that someone else had been there, and Van's sword was gone.

: Someone took it?

: We believe so.

: Brigadier General Cecille, we must report this to His Majesty.

: Yes, your grace.

: Mother...?

: You've been moping about ever since you returned to the manor... you look as though you feel you don't belong here.

: Th-that's not...

: Ever since His Grace gave Guy time off, this manor has been nothing but stuffy and uncomfortable for you, hasn't it? Why don't you go out. Enjoy a change of scenery. Just promise me you'll come back.

: ...It's okay for me to come back?

: Of course. Let's see... Ramdas should know where your friends are. Please do be careful.
Huh. I guess everything isn't sunshine and roses after Van died.
Skit: One Month Later

: *sigh*

: Master, ever since we came back, you've been sighing all the time...

: Yeah... I guess there's just a lot on my mind.

: Like what?

: Stuff... how everybody's doing, what's going to happen next... what Asch is up to, I guess...

: Hmm...

: And now I've managed to blow a whole month thinking about them...

: Master...
Leaving Home
I have no idea why Luke is creeping behind the maids when this cutscene began.

: His Grace wishes you associate only with people befitting the heir to the Duchy.

: The real heir is Asch, not me! You know that! Give me those letters!

: Master... do you miss Asch?

: He helped us lower the Outer Lands. And he's the one who should really be here, not me... I wish I could project my voice the way he does. I did it once before...

: Now that you mention it, Master, since defeating Van, you havne't had any headaches.

: Yeah, you're right. I don't hear Asch or Lorelei anymore...
...One who would seize glory... is trying to capture me...

That was the last time I heard it...

: Oh, well. Let's go.

: You're going to see everyone?

: Yeah, I'm worried about what Father said. I'd like to ask what the others think.

: We're going on another journey! Where do we head first?

: The port.

: Mieuu?

: We're going to Sheridan to borrow the Albiore.
Skit: What is Everyone Up To?

: It's been so long since we've seen everybody! I'm so excited!

: Yeah... it sure has been a while.

: 'What's everybody been up to?

: Tear's probably in Yulia City helping out Teorodo. I think Guy is with Jade in Grand Chokmah. Ion's the Fon Master, so he's in Daath, and Anise apparently got her job back as Fon Master Guardian. Oh, and Natalia's been all over the place as an emissary of Kimlasca.

: That sounds busy.

: Yeah... I'm the only one who's been sitting around, really.

: Oh, it's all right! You've been eating all your meals properly!

: That doesn't really make me feel any better, Mieu.
Mieu's Name

: Wait... if I'm going to borrow the Albiore, I'll need Noelle's help too.

: Can't you fly it?

: Guy might've been abile to. Me... well, I'm not much good for anything.

: That's not true! You gave me the name 'Thing'!

: ...*sigh* I'm sorry I called you that...

: Mieu? Are you taking it back?

...Well, he really is, like, a 'thing', but...
Okay, to the port.
Oh, hey Cecille.

: Thanks to Princess Natalia's words to His Majesty, He has officially recognized my marriage to Aslan.

: That's great!

: When's the ceremony?

: I still have to investigate the Absorption Gate. Once this assignment is over, I'll retire from the military. The wedding will take place after that.

: Sounds like it's going to be a while, then.

: But despite that, my family has already begun making the clothes for me to give General Frings.

: Clothes? For a wedding?

: No... not for the wedding. Legend has it that if a bride gives her groom clothes which she has sewn herself, the couple will find happiness. It's mostly a formal tradition, and I actually only sewed a single stitch myself...

: Wow... I really don't know anything about that sort of stuff. Anyway, best wishes!

: Thank you.
Letters from Friends

: Hmm? Yeah, I guess.
Hmm... let's go from the bottom up.
Hi, Luke!
It's cute, lovable Anise! And I'm really bored! Ion is as out of it as ever, and the only other folks here are crusty old men. If things stay like this, I'm going to end up an old maid! I'll come visit you if you cover the trip. Please make it a VIP suite aboard the luxury cruiser Princess Natalia.

: *Sigh* She hasn't changed a bit.
Guy next.
Luke, how are you doing?
Thanks to Emperor Peony, I built a mansion in Grand Chokmah and have started a new life. I guess I'm a noble, to, so I've started visiting the House of Lords. Although my job at the moment is just to walk His Imperial Majesty's pet rappigs. It's not that different from being your servant. I get nostalgic for the old days with you. I'd love to have you out here any time you'd like to visit.

: Walking rappigs...
Finally, Tear.
With the descent of the Outer Lands, Yulia City fell into a temporary state of chaos. Even the lowest members of the Order of Lorelei know of its connection to Yulia city. My grandfather, Teodoro, is rushing to establish a new order. My brother Van's crimes were concealed due to his death, and a service was held. Some Oracle Knights have left the Order. Their whereabouts are presently unknown. Significant time is thought necessary before the situation settles down.
I'm sorry if this sounds strange. I've never written a letter before.

: ...This is a situation report, not a letter.
Oh Tear.
With that, we're dumped into Port Sheridan.
Return of the Albiore

: ...Somebody else came to borrow it?

: He looked just like you. Said his name was Asch. He was so insistent, I lent him the Albiore III.

: When was that?!

: About a month ago... around the time the Outer Lands got lowered. He said he was heading to the Radiation Gate.

Ah... that's when he helped me...

: What about after that? Did he say anything? Like where he was going?

: Nope...

: What?

: My brother, Ginji, is the pilot. He returned the other day and said he was going to Yulia City.

: So you want the Albiore, right? Noelle, will you fly it for him?

: Of course.

: Thanks. I'm always troubling you.

: Not at all. I like flying, and it's an honor to do so with you again.

: I'll move the Albiore outside.

: By the way, where are you going?

: I'm going to visit the others.

: If we're following Asch, we're going to Yulia City. Tear's there too!

: No one asked you to decide.

: Oh, I figured it was about the Planet Storm getting stronger.

: You heard about that too?

: Yep. It's all right for now, but if the Planet Storm grows any stronger, the Tartarus may not be able to suppress the core's vibration.

: I see... when I get to Yulia City, I'll ask them about that, too.
Let's roll.
Skit: Let's Go to Yulia City

: I wonder what kind of business Asch might have in Yulia City...

: At least we know where he went now.

: Yeah.

: And Tear's in Yulia City, too!

: Who said anything about Tear?

: Mieu? Don't you want to see her?

: Well... yeah, I want to ...I mean, I want to see everybody.

: Do you want to see Tear or not?

: I said everybody, not just Tear! Come on, we're going!

: B-besides... if we miss Asch, we'll have to go find him again.

: Mieuu... why are you so mad?

: Look, you're getting on my nerves today!

: What did I do...?
Stepping outside we get the Albiore, and now we can fast travel from the world map. Not too shabby. Granted the load times are so bad it's scarecly shorter than just flying there, but whatever.
Also, once again the overworld map music has changed.
Music: The Last Chapter
Here's Yulia city: just chilling in the middle of the sea. Geographically it was under the sea anyway, so I guess that works.
The city itself also looks a lot better now that there isn't a purple filter over it.
Yulia City

: How are things in Yulia City? I heard it got a little chaotic.

: I was worried about what would happen to this world now that it's strayed from the Score. I wasn't sure if the people of this city could adapt, but we seem to be managing. So, what brings you here?

: Um, I wanted to ask of Asch had been here lately...

: Ah, he was just here. He asked if there were any way he could get to the core.

: The core? Why?

: Lorelei...
Is it connected to that voice I heard? I sthat why he hasn't come back to Baticul?

: Master, what is it?

: Nothing.

: Asch may have been concerned about the Planet Storm strengthening as well.

: Is the situation with the core vibration that serious?

: No, there is no immediate risk. Tear is collecting documents for a report on the subject to Fon Master Ion. Please speak to here if you're concerned.
Wow, the city almost looks kind of welcoming now.
Let's See Tear

: What's Asch up to anyway? Is he just going to skip out on Baticul entirely...?

: I don't know...

: The core, Lorelei, the Planet Storm... I don't have a clue what's going on.

: Would Tear know?

: She's writing up a report, so she probably knows something. Let's go see her.

: Okay!
Tear's not anywhere in her house. So that leaves one place.
A Prayer for the Lost

: ...Long time no see. Thanks for the letter.

: Y-you're welcome. I'd never written a letter before.

: It was very... you.

: I was just telling Van about you.

: Tear...

: Van tried to abandon the original human race in order to eliminate the Score. But I'm sure we can turn this world into one without the Score. Why did my brother choose such an extreme method? What was wrong with your method, Luke?

: ...I'm the same way. The more I think about it, the more scared I get. I shouldn't be in that manor. Asch should. But if I were forced out of my home, I don't know how I'd live.

: You can always find a way to live. You can get a job, even if it's a meager one.

: I know that!

: But in that mansion, I have the role of 'Luke'. At least I don't have that worry there.

: But you don't look happy. You look very worried.

: Mother said the same thing. I guess it really is written on my face.

: ...Oh. But at the very least your mother isn't one of them, right?

: But what if Asch comes back? How do I know they won't say they don't need me anymore?

: Have you forgotten what you said to King Ingobert about Natalia? Your memories of those seven years together are real. For you and your parents.

: I understand that in my head! I'm me! But... what am I?

: Master Van asked me, 'can you not live unless you were born for some purpose?' That's the way I am. I get worried, not knowing what I was born for.

: ...What did that journey mean to you? Wasn't it a journey to change yourself?

: ...I wanted to change. But first, I need a 'me' to change. I don't have a 'me' in the first place. So I think I need to find myself.

: Maybe you should ask everyone whether you really have a 'you' or not.

: Everyone?

: The companions you traveled with. I'll go with you too.

: But your body's suffering from the miasma...

: I can suppress the pain with medicine. It shouldn't get any worse since the miasma's gone. And...

: And?

: ...Never mind. I need to deliver my report to Daath, anyway. We can see Anise there.

: Okay. Let's go together. But take care of yourself.

: Right. Thanks.
Skit: Tear Hasn't Changed At All

: Heh heh... Luke, Mieu, it's nice to see you again.

: You too!

: Yeah, it feels like it's been a long time.

: Yes, it does.

: Though it looks like you havent changed at all.

: I kept myself prepared so I could leave at any time. Even with the crust lowered, theres no telling what could happen... these Order of Lorelei clothes may still prove useful.

: What are you talking about?

: Um, my clothes?

: Hah hah hah... you really haven't changed, have you? That's a relief.

: Heh heh heh. Master, you look a little more cheerful now.

: Yeah, I guess so.

Next up is Daath. I hope people don't mind that I'm cutting out most of the traveling in this update and just getting to the meat. There's just a lot of point A to point B in this update.
Oh, and here's another skit.
Skit: How's Anise Been?

: I wonder if Anise is the same as always.

: The same as always?

: Wanting a rich husband and all that.

: Oh... well, there are lots of problems going on in Daath, and Fon Master Ion is undoubtedly busy. She probably doesn't have much time to worry about that.

: From reading her letter, it doesn't sound like she's changed at all...

: I'm sure she has. She's even been restored to her post as Fon Master Guardian.

: Want to bet on it?

: Bet? Bet what?

: The right to be called 'master' by Mieu.

! You're on!

: Mieuuu... don't I get a say?
Gee, I wonder who's going to win...
As we walk in, we see Anise right off the bat.
Anise Is Still the Same

: That concludes the explanation of the monument.

: Thank you, here's your sermon fee.

: Anise, you know it's forbidden to take offerings outside the institution.

: No.

: I have to pay back the debt Papa and Mama were tricked into. Please? Please?

: That's some story...

: Yeah, don't you feel sorry for me? Thanks to that, all my income and all of Papa and Mama's income is taken away!

: I do feel sorry for you, but that doesn't make it okay to trick people, now does it?

: ...Booo. Fine, I'll go give it back.

: Okay. Wait for me at the cathedral.... you people sure are demanding. *sigh*